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Good Footing

I'm pretty new to the horse world. I'm learning.... little by little. One big thing I've learned is that for the horses it's all about good footing. When you're as big as a horse you want whatever is under your hoof to be secure for whatever activity you're doing.

A couple weeks ago Jeff filled the arena with sand to ensure good footing for the horses. Before the sand was laid we had to add clay to some groundhog holes, level the rough places and pick up roots, sticks and rocks. All for a good foundation.

Once the foundation is secure with sand for the right traction then the horses can freely exercise and be trained for any purpose.

Of course our lives are the same. If your footing is bad everything else is going to go bad. It's also known as a firm foundation. Pretty old fashioned. Maybe as old as sand but just as true. There's freedom in having secure footing. Knowing what you stand on makes you free to fully be you.

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