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Don't Get Your Hopes Down

These last several months have been a whirlwind of change. Like a roller coaster fast-track with twists and turns of emotional ups and downs.

It all began almost a year ago with an intentional get-away with my husband. After 21 years, we needed to remember "us". We didn't know it at the time but we were making history on our timeline. Coming away from our long walks and long talks we knew we were stepping into a new chapter in our marriage. A chapter where we were intentional about "together". We didn't know what that would look like, we just knew we didn't want to drift separate directions.

We spent several weeks tossing ideas and plans around landing on what we thought was a good pursuit for our future "together". As we began to move on our plan the doors shut... tight. It brought us back to square one. Now what?

I heard a whisper, "Don't get your hopes down". It was a hard pill for me to swallow. I've always lived by "don't get your hopes up", just protect yourself from any negative experience. This time I needed to trust in something bigger than my own understanding.

I began to pray for ridiculous favor for Plan B, bidding on a small farm around the corner. Ridiculous because it would have to be for any other door to open. It all looked quite impossible. But now was a time to expand my heart to believe. To believe in the goodness of a loving Father. I was settled that God, my Father, is good no matter what would happen. He had a plan for the "together" we were searching for.

The following days, weeks and months unfolded a series of events leading us to purchase our own beautiful horse farm; to tear down and rebuild a beautiful new home; and board several beautiful horses. Our "together" has found a place to thrive. It has been nothing less than beautiful. The pictures alone testify to that.

How did I get here? I don't think we earned or deserve this farm or a new home. I don't think it was happen chance or good luck. I certainly didn't get everything all together or work hard enough. No, I believe with all my heart it was a gift.

For whatever reason (probably pride), adults have a much easier time giving than receiving. Somewhere along the way I grew up and learned how hard it is to receive gifts. These days I'm digging deep to the little girl inside to enjoy the gift and truly live by "Don't get your hopes down".

He hasn't failed me yet.

to be continued...

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